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Great reasons to look at homes in the pouring rain

Did you know that there are great advantages to looking at homes in inclement weather? I have always found the rainy days to assist in being some of the most informative showings. So if the weather outside is less than ideal, don't put off the house-hunt for that day. Here are some great advantages to looking at homes in the rain!

  • When it's daylight and the sun isn't out, you will get to see the amount of natural light that exists in the home.
  • You get to see for yourself how the well the gutters and downspouts are working, and whether or not some adjustments need to be made for drainage and run-off
  •  If there are any hidden or masked odors in the home, the dampness from the rain will bring them out.
  • and most importantly, you can check the basement for any water seepage.

The way I look at it-  is if  the house looks good in the pouring rain, it will look GREAT in the sunshine!   So if you are in the market to buy a home, get your umbrella,  forget about what Mother Nature is doing outside, and call me! Rain or shine,  I'm happy to help!

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