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BUYER TIP #2: A house with no curb appeal? Don't dismiss it just yet-

..So your agent drives up to a house  and you take one look at it and think to yourself- NO WAY. You tell your agent that you don't even want to go in. Has that ever happened to you?

Well, let me tell you about that house with no curb appeal- The inside could be absolutely beautiful- you won't know unless you look. If your agent knows you well enough, and I assume he/she would, there is a reason why they made an appointment to see that house. Maybe the inside has everything you want, and more. If it's just a matter of replacing shutters, adding some landscaping or another minor fix, GO inside.

Do you realize how much of a discount that house probably has, just because it doesn't look absolutely beautiful on the outside? There are not many buyers that can see past the outside appearance, and would probably do the same thing that  you were about to- not even go inside. So the seller has had to reduce or discount the property to get people to even go inside. Take advantage of that! Almost always, the outside can be spruced up very inexpensively.  Would you rather buy a house that looked gorgeous outside, but the kitchen needed remodeling? what's the cost of remodeling a kitchen as opposed to a little something outside? Big difference, right? Outside will be a lot less. Remember, you LIVE inside the house- enjoy the beauty of the interior, and work on the outside later.  So the next time your agent takes you to that ugly house, just go in. You might be surprised at how nice the inside is, and you'll be VERY happy for the thousands of dollars you can save because of it.

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