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« Connecticut Financing Update and Mortgage Rates January 13, 2012 | Main | We're Also in TheDailyEaston With Our 2012 Easton Real Estate Predictions »

We're in TheDailyGreenwich With Our 2012 Greenwich Real Estate Predictions

We're pleased to tell you that Greenwich's premier online news source has asked us our opinion of the real estate market in Greenwich, in addition to our ineterview articles in TheDailyWeston  and  TheDailyEaston, as well as our predictions for 2012. We invite you to read the article and check out their site.
Read the article in  TheDailyGreenwich. You can also see a copy of this article on our Greenwich Town page.

If you own a home in Greenwich and need an agent, call me, or contact me by email. I love this town, and I will get your home sold for the best price the market will bear. You can count on it.

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