We're pleased to tell you that Weston's premier online news source has asked us our opinion of the real estate market in Weston as well as Easton, and for our preditions for 2012. We invite you to read the article and check out their site.
News for you on the Weston front from TheCTRealtyBlog is that we have also included annual real estate statistics for the past seven years for Weston on our site, which can be found on the left hand side bar under "Real Estate Market Reports" Here's the direct link to our Weston Statistics
Read the article in TheDailyWeston . You can also see a copy of this article on our Weston town page .
If you own a home in Weston and need an agent, call me, or contact me by email. I love this town, and I will get your home sold for the best price the market will bear. You can count on it.