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The Next Step of Your Connecticut Home Purchase -The Building Inspection 

As soon as your purchase agreement is signed by the seller, it is time to get very busy, and  very quickly. If you don't already have an attorney to represent you with your purchase, get one immediately, and have your agent get all of the paperwork to him/her.

Then you should get that building inspection scheduled right away. The time frame for completion of the inspection is outlined in the binder, and it is the next VERY important step. Whether I represent buyers or sellers, I like to see the inspection scheduled within five days of the negotiated and signed  binder.  No sense waiting a week or ten days. Just get it done. If there are any issues, it is much easier to resolve them in the beginning of the transaction.  If  a resolution is not likely, move on to the next property, and save the seller some grief at the same time.

When it's time to call an inspector, there are a few questions that you should always ask

1. Is the inspection company affiliated with any national organization such as NACHI or ASHI? These organizations require that inspector members subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics. It would say a lot about a company who does not belong to either one of these organizations.
2. Does the inspection and report include a certified pest inspection?  I
3. Is a radon test included?
4. Do you have any customer coupons for a discount?
5. When will the report be ready, and are photos included?

Assuming that all of these answers have been answered to your satisfaction, the next item of importance is your presence at the inspection.
Do not allow yourself to be distracted by anything when the inspector is reviewing and assessing your new home.  I tell my clients to "stick to that inspector like glue", and ask as many questions as they want. You are paying for this inspection. Get the most our of it. Inspectors have a wide range of knowledge and should be able to answer most any questions about the mechanicals and structure of the home. So ask away!



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