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The age old dilemma- do you put your home on the market before you find another house?

So you've decided that you would like to move. Great! What happens next? Do you go out looking at houses to see if you like anything enough to sell your home? Do you put your home on the market, wait until you get your deposit, and then start to look? Ask different people and you'll get a different answer.  So how do you know what to do?

There are a few things to consider in order to come to the best decision.

The market's health
Your own expectations

Market Health: In a slow  to average sellers market,  it's certainly okay, and probably a good idea to preview just a few houses in the town and price range that fits your parameters, but don't overdo it, and DO NOT look for that perfect house first.  A buyer who is ready  to buy will probably purchase that home before you have the ability, if you need to sell your current home first before you can qualify for a loan on the new house. You cannot compete with a buyer that's ready to go, when you are not. It's time to get serious when you get the initial deposit on your home. Remember, don't back yourself into a corner with a 30 day closing . Your agent (that would  be me- will guide you every step of the way)

If it's a sellers market, it's pretty much a simultaneous operation and requires that you be available to see homes whenever your agent calls you with the hottest properties. In this case, I would suggest that you also preview a few homes before you list yours for sale, and have your agent search every day for your next home  during the time that your home is on the market. If you get a buyer before you have found your next house, you can always extend the closing date to give you some breathing room.

Your expectations- and this is true for any market. If you go out and preview homes and nothing even remotely seems appropriate, then you have to do some soul searching on a few items-

1. Is your agent doing everything he/she can to showi you properties that fit your needs?
2.. Do you have unrealistic expectations?
3. Can you afford to move up to the type of home that you desire?
4.. Are you ready to make a move?

I will help you to make appropriate decisions regarding your move. None of my clients hav eever been without a home during my 26+ years being a Realtor, and I have helped hundreds of clients.I am NOT about to break my record on you! Contact me today and I will be your advocate.

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Reader Comments (1)

Unrealistic expectations are a problem for a lot of first time home buyers.

April 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartina Webster

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