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Are Fairfield County home prices stabilizing?

Is it possible to gauge whether home prices in our area are beginning to stabilize, or is it just wishful thinking? The answer is yes, it is possible to gauge market stabilization, however there has to be enough sales to make an accurate judgement- right now, there are not enough sales to back up the rosy outlook that we all want. BUT that does not mean  that the market is all gloom and doom- it's not.

I have always been  fascinated by statistics, and have kept lots of market data throughout the years, and reported market data for various publications. I am not new to this- I have been actively engaged in real estate for 27 years including  selling through  a similar market. Like so many others at that time, we  didn't see it coming. One thing for sure though, I made sure that I paid special attention to what happened as we were getting out of that horrible market.

I won't beat up on the first quarters sales statistics too much. We had  the worst winter on record, here, and buyers and sellers alike waited just for that alone- so the quarterly stats may not look fantastic, but they must be seasonally adjusted, so if  you hear the media speaking somewhat pessimistically about this first quarter sales in the Northeast, I am asking you to remember that they are reporting  news as they see it from a  multi-state region- and honestly, you know as well as I do that even if you hear a report on Hartford CT real estate, it doesn't really have too much of a bearing on where we are in Fairfield County, now does it?  

The first thing that happens in a market rebound is that certain "price pockets" begin to sell in each town. What I mean by a price pocket is (for example)- a range from $500-600K will start to  move more quickly than it has, and at the same time, another price pocket of maybe 1mil- 1.2 mil will start to move. The overall market may not seem to be moving in general- (if you look at that way)  but if you pay attention to certain price points, it is.  What I see right now, is a beginning indicator of better things to come.

One thing that's always very important to remember - Pricing is all relative. If your home is worth less than it was 1 year ago, remember that the house you are buying is also worth less than it was a year ago, too. If you are purchasing a higher priced home, that seller has more to lose than you do- couple that with low interest rates, and you make out pretty good!

I would be happy to analyze your current situation with your home, and give you an honest opinion as to whether it's better for you to move now, or wait a few months, or wait a year. It will not always be the same answer- everyone's situation is different. So feel free to contact me, I love sharing my knowledge and expertise when someone can benefit.

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