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« What should you do with your pet during a home showing? | Main | Market Forecasts and Predictions coming soon! »

What's happening in the Fairfield County CT Real Estate Market?

I am pleased to present to you our real estate market forecasts and advice for the coming months in Easton, Fairfield, Norwalk, Trumbull and Westport.  As you'll see, not all markets are created equal. Just so you know, I am not, nor have I ever been one to sugarcoat the market, or give anyone advice that I do not think is prudent. You do not stay in business for 26+ years by doing anything other than what is proper.

Yes, some of you will say, "She's spot on. I definitely agree. She definitely knows the market ",  and I understand some of you will not like my forecast, or my advice. I only disseminate the information that I have in what I hope is a meaningful way. Everyone's situation is different, and each property is different. The only truly relevant market forecast for you only pertains to your home. So don't let anyone generalize the market in Connecticut, for example, and tell you that it is true. Markets differ from town to town, street to street, and house to house.

The forecasts and  opinions offered are mine. Technically they are general to the town,  and not to your specific property. So if you want to know what the market is for your house, contact me and find out!

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Reader Comments (1)

Very nice site and blog Judy. You are providing excellent local information for any one interested in your area of expertise. Well done.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGabe Sanders

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