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What's the best way to negotiate the purchase price of a home?

Negotiating is a fine art, and you have to consider the personalities involved besides the property. Some people want to negotiate as quickly as possible, and others have to mull things over before they give an answer. Know which type of personality you are dealing with.

One wrong move in negotiations can lose the deal, so be very careful. Emotions run high, and tempers can flare over otherwise minor things. That's why it's always best to work with an agent (LIKE ME!)  and not go it alone.  I devoted an entire chapter of my book,  "The Art of Buying or Selling a Home"  to negotiating. And yes, this book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all major book retailers, but you can also purchase it through my site, (I know, shameless plug) . The single best piece of advice I could give you is to do your best to put yourself in the other person shoes when you are negotiating

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