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Can you Manage Without Home Insurance?

For most people, their home represents a haven from the stresses and struggles of the world outside. It is a place to spend time with our families or simply to find some time and space to ourselves. However, for most people, their home will also represent the most expensive purchase of their lives as, in addition to the property itself, their will also be an accumulation of possessions over time, which can  add up to a significant amount of money within the property.  

Can you manage without home insurance?

For the majority of homeowners, the answer is likely to be no. Figures suggest that one in every three people will be the victims of a break-in at some point during their lives and, while there are home security measures you can (and should) take to protect yourself, they do not provide a one hundred percent guarantee against theft. If you take into account the increasingly extreme weather we have experienced in recent years, for whatever reason, then you cannot guarantee against your home being damaged by floods or hurricanes, either. Furthermore, if you are looking to take out a mortgage on your property, very few  banks, if any, will lend you the money for it unless you have taken out a comprehensive home and contents insurance policy.

What you need to know when choosing a policy

It is important to have all of the relevant information concerning your house and the contents when shopping around for a suitable home insurance policy. Insurance providers will likely want to know information about the location, the type of materials the house is built from, when it was built and what the total cost of repairs would be. In terms of contents insurance, you will need to be able to provide an accurate estimation of the value of the contents. Thus you will need to secure the appropriate estimates from people qualified to perform this task.

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    Can you Manage Without Home Insurance? - The CT Home Blog - Fairfield County CT Real Estate & Homes for Sale in Easton, Fairfield, Norwalk, Trumbull & Westport, Connecticut

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