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Positioning Your Home "IN" the Real Estate Market is Supermarket Science.

You should know the difference between being IN the market and ON the market. Being IN the market means that your agent is doing everything he/she possibly can do to make sure your home is visible to as many qualified buyers as possible. Being ON the market means that although your home is listed for sale, your home is NOT as visible as it can and should be.

That's where positioning your home in the marketplace become KEY!

Positioning your home IN the market means pricing it strategically, and placing it strategically within the marketplace. The best examples I can use for both strategies is in something you can see with your own eyes every day, or as often as you want and is simple to understand. It's that black and white.

 The next time you go into the supermarket, take special note of  where the staples are. By the staples I mean butter, milk and meat. There's a valuable marketing  lesson there.

Actually, I can tell you exactly where they are. They are in the back of the store, or at the rear of an aisle. Why do I know this? Supermarkets and grocery stores have positioning down to a science. Years of research tells the management to put those necessary everyday  items in the back of the store so you can't run in and run out without possibly picking something else up along the way. It's great marketing- no doubt about it. And the equivalent  of  that is "positioning your home  IN  the market".

The supermarkets and grocery stores have the pricing strategy down pat, too.  The most expensive items on the shelf are generally at eye level, because they are easy to see, and easy to get to. The deals are on the bottom shelf or on the top shelf, and are harder to spot. Sometimes the supermarket positioners play tricks on you where there is a "teaser" item on the middle shelf with a very low price, and an extremely marked up item right next to it. The trick they are trying to play on you is that if you see something that is priced very well on the shelf, you might also pick up that item next to it, not realizing that it has been marked up considerably.

Now I don't subscribe to any trickery in real estate, but I DO believe in  strategic pricing and strategic positioning in order to get my clients the very best price for their home. Can I tell you what the strategy is for your home? It is not the same rule of thumb for every home. It can't be. But, when you hire me to market and sell your home,  you can rest assured that I will be strategic in every move I make to get you the very best price.   Just contact me whenever you're ready.

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