When it comes time to hire a real estate agent to sell your home, there are a multitude of agencies to choose from, so how do you choose? Company A tells you that they are #1 in sales, company B tells you that THEY are #1 in sales, and company C tells you that THEY are #1 in sales. How are you supposed to figure that one out?
Well we figured it out a few years ago when a bunch of other Office owners/ Brokers and I were sitting down for coffee, and that exact subject came up. The owner of one company said, "I (my company) must be number two, 'cos everybody else is number one." Everyone sitting at the table laughed pretty hard over that one, but guess what? He was right. Forget about those number one claims that brokers make. Everyone can be number one in a specially defined niche, and maybe just maybe, you don't WANT that numebr one company. There are reasons for it.Honestly and truly, do you want to know who number one REALLY is? It's YOU, the client.
So what are the main type of agencies to choose form, and which one is best for you?
National Franchise - While a large well known franchise has great name recognition, buyers really don't care which sign is out in front of your house. If they want to buy it, they will. the internet has taken that argument out of the large franchise arsenal. A concern with a large franchise is the very real possibility of dual agency.
Franchise Boutique- I think this type of company is best for sellers, and this is the type of company that I am affiliated with. A nationally franchise company that is locally owned and operated offers the best of all worlds. Local expertise, national exposure, and less possibility of dual agency.
Local Company- There are a few types of local companies- either the low key or the little powerhouse. Not a bad choice if the property has only a limited VERY local market.
Discount Agency- I'm not a fan, period. You, as a seller, do the vast majority of the work that can get quite complicated for someone who does not deal with real estate on a daily basis. It makes no sense at all. I hate to say it, but do you know what some agents think when they see a listing with a discount brokerage? They figure that they are getting paid less for the same amount of work, and they figure you won't negotiate at all, whether it's true or not.
So what's best for you? If one doesn't stand out clearly over another, conduct a few interviews. Or, you can just call me and we'll get started!