Having Trouble Selling your CT Home? It's Time to Try a Different Approach
Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 11:58AM
Judy in Seller Tips, Selling Your Home, about us, marketing, sell, sell home

If your home seems to be languishing on the market while others are selling,  it's time to change the marketing approach.  The longer your home sits on the market, the more likely it is to sell at a lower price than originally anticipated. And worse yet, it costs you money every day that your home sits idly by in the market.

Quite simply, if the marketing strategy for your home is not working, have your agent change it, or change agents. Give it enough time to kick in, but if nothing is happening, it's time to change directions.

Have you ever heard  the  definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

The best thing that can be done is to change the advertising slant, or focus. If what you or your agent is doing right now isn't working, well. ... then it doesn't work. Period. Don't become "married" to any one idea if it is not producing results.

Experienced marketers identify their most probable consumer(s) and target that audience in a strong way. If the product doesn't sell, they change the ad.  But the problem is two-fold for real estate..  

First, and for quite some time, agents didn't really have to have a marketing strategy other than putting your home on the MLS. Homes flew off the market as a by-product of a good economy.  That doesn't exist right now.

Secondly, and maybe even more importantly- the agents that recognize that they will actually have to market your home don't have a real clue as to how to do it. They try, they might write a halfway decent ad, but it stops there. And here lies the problem. Most agents have an expressive personality. They write an ad that sounds good to THEM. It may  sound good to you, too. That's all well and good, but the pure expressive personality type represents only 25% of the buying population. The other 75% of the buying population dismisses that ad, either consciously or subconsciously.

Let me put it to you another way that might be easier to identify with, about appealing to different personality types. Have you ever heard someone acknowledge  in conversation that they can " see what you mean", or "I hear ya"?.  Those two people would  respond very differently to the same ad. One is visually stimulated, while the other responds to audio.

The psychology of sales is a very interesting subject. I have researched it thoroughly and am completely fascinated  by all of its intricacies. To explain it as succinctly as possible, it is of the UTMOST importance to reach as many qualified buyers in their own "language" that appeals to their dominant personality  type.

In order to be most effective, the advertising of your home must appeal to the four different personality types, and have something of interest and value  for each one in order to produce a sale.  This is the essence of marketing. It's complex but incredibly effective. You , as a homeowner, really don't need to have this knowledge. Your agent does, or should.

I have that knowledge and the expertise to implement it, and I will explain to you exactly how my strategic marketing works. When you want to sell your home, just contact me.

Article originally appeared on Fairfield County CT Real Estate & Homes for Sale in Easton, Fairfield, Norwalk, Trumbull & Westport, Connecticut (http://www.thectrealtyblog.com/).
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